Web Design Norfolk
Frequently Asked Questions
My web sites are built to work perfectly on smartphones and tablets. In fact, approximately 75% of traffic will be mobile phone based so I always ensure the phone version of your site is not just a ‘collapsed’ version of the desktop site, but is actually optimised and thought out for the very best experience.
My sites are built using the popular WordPress content managed system (CMS). Using just a web browser and no online knowledge of web design, you will be able modify the text and images yourself.
I supply the training via a handful of short bespoke online screencasts talking you through your website as though we are sitting next to you. This has always proved incredibly popular with clients and they find it very easy to update their web sites.
I can usually start work on your website within 7-14 days.
This really does depend on how complete your content/branding/images are. I have a strict maximum 2 week turnaround to build a website.
View my web design portfolio
Check out some of my designs, then give me a call to discuss your project

Web Design In Norfolk
I design web sites for clients all over the UK, but most of my client base is within the Norfolk area. Clients like to work with local companies where possible and there is nothing better than a face-to-face meeting with a client before a project commences, ultimately resulting in a site that works best for the company.
You can see via my web design portfolio that lots of my clients are Norfolk based. I have forged good relationships over the years to keep their web sites updated and offer friendly advice when it comes to web design.
I have been building websites for over 17 years and show no signs of stopping! Being based in the centre of Norfolk means it’s easy for me to visit clients to discuss their site requirements.