We all get frustrated watching parents try and navigate through the web. After 60 seconds of watching them click the wrong button and take ages to find anything, we just can’t wait to take over and upload photos to Facebook or navigate through Google. My mum lives in the middle of Norfolk, and I always used to joke with my clients and say “Could my mum navigate through the site and understand what the nature of the business”?
Turns out, that there is a lady called Pam Allen who is 64 years old and her son has created a website TheUserIsMyMom for the sole purpose of getting her to test websites for $75! The aim is to determine how easy your site is to navigate even for someone who has absolutely no idea what they are doing.
“We’ve gotten a lot of interest in the past week, based on some recent press.” says Pam’s son. “Based on that we got our first two paying customers in the past 24 hours. We have more moms applying to help us review than people paying for reviews.”
TheUserIsMyMom is not a joke. Us web designers rely on flashy technique or are narrow minded when it comes with user testing, resulting in confusing browsing experiences. The team behind TheUserIsMyMom, promotes the idea that we all need a better Internet that’s easier to navigate.